Thursday, July 18, 2013

Depression? How did it happen?

Depression? How did it happen?

It is essentially the cause of the Depression or Clinical Depression is not certain. Researchers and clinicians professor of psychological and mental has conducted research focused on a certain balance in the human brain and nervous system called neurotransmitters, in dedicated, again at the dopamine, and nerepinefrin serotonin. As a reminder, that that control mood and emotion is that there is no serotonin in the brain such as the limbic system and upper brain stem. According to the data, clinical depression occurs in approximately 15 million people each year in America.

From these studies it was found that, or neroprinefrin serotonin imbalance or deficiency in the brain of patients Clinical Depression. Thus was created, which we now know, with Anti depressant drugs that are designed to balance the neurotransmitters.

Have you seen the power lines in your house? Very messy after connecting power from one to the other? Similarly, the nervous system in our heads. But unlike the electrical circuits in your home, our neural circuits do not touch each other, but with each other to come in synaptic. These nerve cells are separated by a synaptic cleft name. Presynaptic cell is, the sending neuron nerve, while the postsynaptic cell is, who accepted. They were what are called neurotransmitters that transmit chemical messages across synapses in the brain of the cell sender to recipient cells.

Thus the clinical explanation of how the occurrence or cause of depression in brief. Because I had know if I explain further of course you are reading it will be even less understood.(LoL......)

If you think you depress you may check here - Click Here

in Bahasa

Ini pada dasarnya adalah penyebab Depresi Depresi klinis atau tidak pasti. Peneliti dan dokter profesor psikologi dan mental telah melakukan penelitian difokuskan pada keseimbangan tertentu di otak manusia dan sistem syaraf yang disebut neurotransmitter, di khususkan, lagi di dopamin, dan serotonin nerepinefrin. Sebagai pengingat, bahwa kontrol suasana hati dan emosi adalah bahwa tidak ada serotonin di otak seperti sistem limbik dan batang otak bagian atas. Menurut data, depresi klinis terjadi pada sekitar 15 juta orang setiap tahun di Amerika.

Dari penelitian tersebut ditemukan bahwa, atau neroprinefrin serotonin ketidakseimbangan atau kekurangan dalam otak pasien depresi klinis. Dengan demikian diciptakan, yang sekarang kita tahu, dengan obat depresan Anti yang dirancang untuk menyeimbangkan neurotransmitter.

Pernahkah Anda melihat kabel listrik di rumah Anda? Sangat berantakan setelah menghubungkan daya dari satu ke yang lain? Demikian pula, sistem saraf di kepala kita. Tapi tidak seperti sirkuit listrik di rumah Anda, sirkuit saraf kita tidak saling bersentuhan, tetapi dengan satu sama lain untuk datang sinaptik. Sel-sel saraf dipisahkan oleh nama sumbing sinaptik. Sel presynaptic adalah, pengirim saraf neuron, sedangkan sel postsynaptic adalah, yang diterima. Mereka adalah apa yang disebut neurotransmitter yang mengirimkan pesan-pesan kimiawi di sinapsis di otak pengirim sel ke sel-sel penerima.

Demikian penjelasan klinis bagaimana terjadinya atau penyebab depresi secara singkat. Karena sudah tahu jika saya menjelaskan lebih jauh tentu saja Anda membaca akan lebih kurang dipahami. (Lol. .....)

Jika Anda berpikir Anda menekan Anda dapat memeriksa di sini - Klik Disini

Monday, June 24, 2013

SEX? SAFE SEX! if you smart you should read this!


Often we have sex would also come great responsibility. If you are going to or have wishful thinking to have sex, you need to know some of prevention and protection that you are not infected with infectious diseases from having sex, such as HIV and AIDS. In order for you personally to have sex when the plan will remain safe and healthy teraga protected. Can not deny that there are still many people with dietary restrictions opinion though not everyone. In order for you to feel safe and can enjoy the pleasures of sex with all of it here's a few things you need to know.

The most practical way and is fairly safe to use condoms to prevent all sexually transmitted diseases and even HIV and AIDS. For information condom, it has been there since centuries. The material at the time it was made from paper to skin animals. But today many condoms are made of latex.

What are the Functions of a condom? condoms can prevent the exchange of fluids when having sex. When you use these condoms can decrease your chances of pregnancy by 3% and in addition it can reduce the risk of contracting diseases such as HIV and AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases was of 0.03%.

Because so many people wrong in the use of condoms menyebaban risk pregnancy rate to 12%, so this is true it is important to know how to use condoms correctly. Usually condoms are available for women but now many condoms are created for women., Was very easy to buy, can be found at the nearest supermarket or other stores.

In melakukkan activity is not only safe sex to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, but also for the couples who are not ready to have offspring. Actually there are some women who want to ntuk option uses condoms, one of which is the PIL KB. PIL KB is drunk by women in order to release hormones egg, if there is no egg then the sperm may not be able to fertilize.

For other women condoms include implants, patches, shots and sponge. Unlike condoms for men, these items must melibakan doker and need prescription dikeluaran by a specialist. If teradi "accident" while having sex as there is a pill for example leaky condoms for women called the Morning Pill, the pill can be used up to five days after sexual activity is not safe naman not only to prevent pregnancy will erularnya sexually transmitted diseases. This pill can be available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Regardless of who you relate well sexksual the "one night stand" alone or with your boyfriend that you know long enough. Sduah think you would be smart to do it in a way yangn safe sex, Due to the smart thinking of course you will erhindar of the consequences that you regret later aan own.

Dr. Reggie Pranoto

in Bahasa Indonesia

Seringnya kita melakukan hubungan seksual tentu datang juga tanggung jawab yang besar. Jika kamu akan atau punya angan angan untuk melakukan sex, kamu perlu tahu beberapa pencegahan dan perlindungan agar kamu tidak terjangkit penyakit menular dari berhubungan sex, seperti HIV dan AIDS. Agar kamu sendiri yang bila merencanakan akan berhubungan seks tetap teraga aman dan sehat terlindungi. Tidak dapat di pungkiri bahwa masih banyak pendapat masyarakat dengan pantangan walau tidak semua orang. Agar kamu merasa aman dan dapat menikmati seks dengan segala kenikmatannya maka dari itu inilah beberapa hal yang perlu di ketahui. 

Cara yang paling praktis dan terbilang aman adalah dengan penggunaan kondom untuk mencegah segala penyakit seks menular bahkan HIV dan AIDS. Sebagai informasi kondom, ternyata telah ada sejak berabad-abad lamanya. Bahannya pada masa itu terbuat mulai dari kertas sampai kulit binatang. Namun dewasa ini banyak kondom yang sudah terbuat dari bahan latex. 

Apa funsi dari kondom tersebut? kondom dapat mencegah pertukaran cairan saat berhubungan sex. Ketika kamu mengunakan kondom ini menurunkan kemungkinan untuk dapat hamil sebesar 3% dan selain itu dapat menurunkan resiko tertular penyakit seperti HIV dan AIDS atau penyakit seksual lainnya sebesar 0.03%.

Karena begitu banyaknya masyarakat yang salah dalam penggunaan kondom ini menyebaban tingkat resiko kehamilan menjadi 12%, sehingga ini benarlah sangat penting untuk mengetahui cara penggunaan kondom secara benar. Biasanya kondom tersedia untuk kaum hawa tapi kini sudah banyak kondom yang diciptakan untuk perempuan., untuk membelinya pun sangatlah gampang, dapat ditemukan di supermarket terdekat atau toko toko lainnya. 

Dalam melakukkan aktifitas sex aman bukan hanya untuk menghindari dari penyakit seksual menular namun juga untuk para pasangan suami istri yang belum siap untuk punya keturunan. Sebenarnya ada beberapa pilihan ntuk wanita yang ingin menggunaan kondom, salah satunya adalah PIL KB. PIL KB ini diminum oleh para wanita agar dapat melepaskan hormon sel telur, apabila tidak ada sel telur maka sperma tidak mungkin akan dapat membuahi. 

Untuk pilihan kondom para wanita lainnya antara lain implan, patch, tembakan dan spons. Tidak seperti kondom untuk pria, items ini harus melibakan doker serta perlu resep yang dikeluaran oleh dokter spesialis. Kalau teradi "kecelakaan" saat sedang berhubungan seksual seperti contohnya kondom bocor ada pil untuk wanita yang disebut dengan Morning Pill, pil ini dapat digunakan sampai lima hari sejak melakukan aktifitas seksual yang tidak aman naman hanya untuk mencegah kehamilan bukan akan erularnya penyakit seksual menular. PIl ini pun dapat tersedia di apotik tanpa perlu resep dokter. 

Terlepas dari siapapun anda berhubungan sexksual baik itu "one night stand" atau dengan pacar anda sendiri yang telah anda kenal cukup lama. Anda tentu sduah berpikir lebih pintar untuk melakukannya dengan cara seks yangn aman, Karena dengan berpikiran cerdas tentu anda akan erhindar dari berbagai konsekuensi yang nantinya aan anda sesali sendiri. 

Dr. Reggie Pranoto

Sunday, June 2, 2013


The Indonesian Government especially from Indonesian Police Department and The Indonesian Anti Drug Association have come together to make the junkies report themselves to the government without charge and the government will provide rehab and more afterward. This occasion is in the celebration of HUT BHAYANGKARA. So, for any of you who feel addicted to drugs just come to the BNN Jakarta of Police Department and report themselves without getting any worries to get trouble. The government will support you. 

for further info please visit:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

RIKLONA (Clonazepam)

Riklona (Clonazepam)

Riklona is one of the derivatives of a substance called benzodiazepine. Clonazepam taken alone or mixed with other substances of benzodiazepine used to treat certain seizure disorders, for example, Lennox Gastaut syndrome or akinetic myoclonic seizures. Clonazepan can also be used to treat panic disorder to a particular patient. Tolerance to these drugs also depends on each patient.

For information Clonazepan (Riklona) has been approved by the FDA, to help treat seizures, panic, social phobia and post-traumatic stress disorder. Keep in mind that all kinds of substances in the womb Benzodiazepine is a sedative-hypnotic drugs. This medicine is a system of work by slowing down the central nervous system as well as block the effects of certain chemicals that are integrated with the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain also reduce the level of euphoria.

Riklona (Clonazepam) is actually a sedative when used as a more potent of Alprazolam (another drug used in dealing with panic disorder). For patients who have a history of depression, these drugs can be sustained on a regular basis. Clonazepan itself contained in a dose 0.5mg, 1mg, and 2mg.

Dosage suggestions for users clonazepam, when experiencing a panic disorder is 0.25mg 2 times a day. The dose may be increased or reduced depending on the patient's own development. The use of these drugs is NOT removable suddenly but should gradually.

Prompts. For pregnant women should avoid using this medication because it can interfere with fetal development, nor for patients who are allergic to the substance of other benzodiazepines such as Valium or patients who have severe liver disease are also people who have chronic kidney disease. Clonazepam may trigger excess saliva so it is recommended that patients with respiratory disorders or impaired gag reflex should be with proper medical supervision.

Side effects of clonazepam, among others, a high sedation, dizziness in the head, impaired coordination, depression, and fatigue. There are also some patients who experience decreased sex drive when using clonazepam. Riklona can also make people cough, anorexia, and dry mouth when you first use it. Effects of clonazepam will also increase if combined with alcohol.

in Bahasa 

Riklona ( Clonazepam) 

Riklona adalah salah satu dari derivative dari zat yang bernama Benzodiazepine. Clonazepam dikonsumsi sendiri ataupun di campur dengan zat dari Benzodiazepine lain digunakan untuk mengobati ganguan kejang-kejang tertentu, contohnya, sindrom Lennox Gastaut atau kejang mioklonik akinetic. Clonazepan juga dapat digunakan untuk mengobati gangguan panik terhadap pasien tertentu. Toleransi terhadap obat ini juga tergantung terhadap setiap pasien. 

Sebagai informasi Clonazepan (Riklona) telah disetujui oleh F.D.A, untuk membantu pengobatan kejang, panik, fobia sosial serta gangguan stress pasca-trauma. Perlu diketahui bahwa segala jenis zat dalam kandungan Benzodiazepine adalah obat yang sedatif-hipnotik. Sistem kerja obat ini adalah dengan memperlambat sistem syaraf pusat serta memblokir efek dari bahan kimia tertentu yang terintegrasi dengan transmisi impuls syaraf di otak juga menurunkan tingkat euphoria. 

Riklona (Clonazepam) sebenarnya bila digunakan sebagai obat penenang lebih ampuh dari Alprazolam (obat lain yang digunakan dalam menangani gangguan panik). Bagi pasien yang memiliki riwayat depresi, obat ini dapat berkesinambungan secara berkala. Clonazepan sendiri terdapat dalam dosis 0.5mg, 1mg, dan 2mg.

Saran Dosis bagi pengguna clonazepam, kalau mengalami ganguan panik adalah 0.25mg 2 kali sehari. Dosis dapat dinaikan ataupun diturunkan tergantung perkembangan dari pasien itu sendiri. Penggunaan obat ini TIDAK dapat dilepas secara mendadak tapi harus secara bertahap. 

Anjuran. Bagi wanita hamil sebaiknya menghindari penggunaan obat ini karena dapat menggangu perkembangan janin, tidak juga untuk pasien yang alergi terhadap zat dari benzodiazepine lain seperti Valium atau pasien yang memiliki penyakit hati yang berat juga orang yang mempunyai penyakit ginjal akut. Clonazepam dapat memicu air liur yang berlebih jadi disarankan agar pasien dengan gangguan pernafasan atau gangguan refleks muntah harus dengan pengawasan dokter yang tepat. 

Efek samping dari clonazepam antara lain, sedasi yang tinggi, pusing di kepala, gangguan koordinasi, depresi, dan kelelahan. Ada juga beberapa pasien yang mengalami penurunan gairah seks ketika menggunakan clonazepam. Riklona juga dapat membuat orang batuk, anoreksia serta mulut kering saat pertama menggunakannya. Efek dari clonazepam juga akan meningkat jika digabungkan dengan alkohol. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


From previous years, if we calculate how many millions of people are addicted to heroin? The answer is ... A LOT! Exciting news to come out of Melbourne, Australia and the combined scientists from other countries scientists have found a drug (+)-naloxone. In these findings the scientists concluded that the addition can both block the craving that it can also relieve pain that is usually experienced by addicts. Studies that have been conducted have also found that it can limit the immune system hooked through the brain, without targeting the 'brain wiring'. With the discovery of this drug in the near future is expected to be in mass production.

A very important role in the addiction problem is the central nervous system and the immune system. Drugs that have been found that (+)-naloxone may suppress the immune response in the brain to prevent heroin addiction. In penelitiam conducted to the users found that the drug (+)-naloxone can eliminate addiction, addictive taste and habit changes in brain neurochemistry. As the information that dopamine (which gives a sense of pleasure) is now no longer manufactured.

Scientists strongly believe that the drug (+)-naloxone is very useful as a drug with morphine so if there is someone who is terminally ill and given this drug can stop the pain without fear of addiction to the drug because it is not addictive nature. In the coming months clinical investigation will be conducted by scientists and doctors involved in the present invention.

(in Bahasa)

Dari tahun tahun sebelumnya, kalau kita hitung ada berapa juta manusia yang kecanduan heroin? Jawabannya adalah...BANYAK! Kabar menggembirakan datang dari Melbourne, ilmuwan Australia dan gabungan dari ilmuwan negara lainnya telah menemukan obat (+)-naloxone. Dalam temuannya ini para ilmuwan menyimpulkan bahwa selain dapan memblokir rasa kecanduan tersebut ternyata dapat juga meredakan rasa nyeri yang biasanya dialami oleh para pecandu. Studi yang telah dilakukan juga menemukan kalau ternyata bisa membatasi ketagihan melalui sistem imun otak, tanpa menargetkan 'brain wiring'. Dengan telah ditemukannya obat ini diperkirakan dalam waktu dekat akan di produksi secara masal. 

Peran yang sangat penting dalam masalah kecanduan adalah pada sistem saraf pusat dan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Obat yg telah ditemukan yaitu (+)-naloxone dapat menekan respon imun dalam otak untuk mencegah kecanduan heroin. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan kepada para pengguna ditemukan bahwa obat (+)-naloxone dapat menghilangkan kecanduan, menghentikan kebiasaan rasa adiktif dan neurokimia dalam perubahan otak. Sebagai informasi bahwa Dopamin (yang memberikan rasa nikmat) saat ini sudah tidak diproduksi lagi.

Para ilmuwan sangat percaya bahwa obat (+)-naloxone sangat bermanfaat sebagai obat bersama dengan morphine sehingga bila ada seseorang yang sakit parah dan diberikan obat ini dapat menghilangkan rasa sakitnya tanpa takut akan kecanduan terhadap obat tersebut karena memang sifatnya tidak adiktif. Dalam beberapa bulan kedepan penelitian secara klinis akan dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan dan dokter yang terlibat dalam penemuan ini. 

Friday, April 26, 2013


Psychiatrist Tod H. Mikuriya.
He's the one who helped float the proposition 215. In this preposition is listed on the use of marijuana in the medical field, because the psychiatrist Tod H Mikuriya strongly believe that marijuana can help cure the disease with approximately 200 cannabis, among others; stuttering, insomnia,
premenstrual syndrome, and cramps in the author. National Cancer Institute, the unexpected thought this plan was also approved. NCI considering advanced treatment for cancer patients in particular for the side effects of chemotherapy, ongoing nausea and vomiting. To increase the sense of appetite, pain relief and better sleep quality.

1. Cannabis can treat and prevent eye damaged by glaucoma.
This Gloucoma increased pressure within the eye, destroying the optical nerve and blindness. According to a study by the National Eye Institute conducted in 1970 showed that when you smoke marijuana your body automatically lowers intraocular pressure (IOP) both in person and under normal pressure gloucoma. The effect of this was to slow disease progression and prevent blindness.

2. Marijuana better than cigarettes.
At the January 2012 Journal of the American Medical Association has conducted a new study that was published, which is that marijuana does not impair lung. Further research even found that marijuana can increase lung capacity to be more spacious, the researchers look for risk factors of cardiovascular disease, and therefore the researchers performed lung function tests on 5115 young adults for 20 years. The tobacco smokers lose lung function from day to day for smoking cigarettes but this is surely counter with the outcome even marijuana can increase the capacities of the lungs. It is estimated this is because due to the marijuana users inhaling deeply of the marijuana that makes the person's capacity to be great.

3. This plant can control epileptic seizures.
According to Robert J. DeLorenzo from Virginia Commonwealth University while conducting a study in 2003 showed that cannabinoids
Which is the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (regular
known as THC), seizure control by binding to the cells in the brain
responsible for controlling stimuli and regulate marijuana users relaxation that can be more relaxed. These finding have been published in the Journal of Pharmacology and
Experimental Therapeutics.

4. Chemicals contained in marijuana was found to stop the spread of cancer.
Research at California Pacific Medical Center in San
Francisco reported in 2007 that one of the chemicals found in marijuana is cannabidiol, this is a lethal gene called Id-1, this research has been published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

5. Mary-jane (marijuana) can both reduce the level of anxiety.
It is true that marijuana can indulge in levels of anxiety, or nausea, pain or pain due to chemotherapy. However, please remember when in fact this excessive use can increase anxiety and paranoid higher.

6. THC can slow the spread or progression of Alzheimer's disease.
In a study led by Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute in 2006, published in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics showed that THC, the active chemical in cannabis can slow the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain by blocking the enzyme that makes them. Then the plaque is plaque that destroys brain cells and alzhemier.

7. Relieves pain of Multiple Sclerosis.
Canadian Medical Association Journal showed in a study that has been published that marijuana can relieve the pain of multiple sclerosis. THC in marijuana bind to receptors in our nerves and muscles to relieve aches and pains. In another study also found that the chemical can be helpful in controlling muscle spasms.

8. Reducing the side effects of hepatitis C treatment
In the treatment of hepatitis C can be classified hard - some negative side effects such as; fatigue, muscle pain, nausea, no appetite and a sense of depression that can last for many years. For information, a lot of them can not be able to get through this period. So finally came the innovation of marijuana that had been through thousands of research. Gastroenterology and Hepatology found that 86 percent of marijuana users can complete their hepatitis C therapy, while only 26 percent of marijuana smokers are not completing their treatment.

9. Enteritis
The patients who have inflammatory bowel can also discover the benefits of marijuana. Researchers from the University of Nottingham once again found that a chemical from marijuana THC and cannabidiol among others can interact with cells in the body, these cells which have an important role in intestinal function and immune response. The study was published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics. Ingredients in marijuana is what prevented this permeability and intestinal cells make tight united ..

10. Arthritis
Obviously, here that of course marijuana can reduce pain in your joints due to some chemical constituents in marijuana which as we mentioned earlier, especially in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

11. Breast Cancer.
Apparently after some research by doctors and scientists breast cancer specialists that medical marijuana may inhibit the spread of breast cancer by downregulating gene called ID 1. It also is one part of cannabidiol contained in the marijuana.

12. HIV / AIDS
HIV / AIDS patients who inhaled cannabis four times daily
experienced substantial increases in food intake with little evidence
discomfort and no decline in cognitive performance. San Diego
School of Medicine found that marijuana significantly reduces HIV-related neuropathic pain.

in Bahasa 

Psikiater Tod H. Mikuriya.

Dialah orang yang membantu mengambangkan proposisi 215. Dalam preposisi ini tercantum tentang penggunaan Ganja dalam bidang medis, karena psikiater Tod H Mikuriya sangat percaya bahwa ganja dapat membantu menyembuhkan sekitar 200 penyakit dengan ganja ini, antar lain; gagap, insomnia,
sindrom pramenstruasi, dan kram pada penulis. National Cancer Institute, yang tak disangka sangka ternyata juga menyetujui rencana ini. NCI mempertimbangkan untuk pengobatan lanjutan untuk para penderita cancer khususnya untuk efek samping kemoterapi, rasa mual yang berkelanjutan dan muntah. Meningkatan rasa nafsu makan, penghilang rasa sakit dan kualitas tidur yang lebih baik

Ganja dapat mengobati dan mencegah mata rusak karena glaukoma. 
Gloucoma ini meningkatkan tekanan dalam bola mata, menghancurkan saraf optis dan kebutaan. Menurut studi yang dilakukan National Eye Institute yang dilakukan pada 1970 menunjukan saat anda menghisap ganja secara otomatis tubuh anda menurunkan tekanan intraokular (TIO) baik pada orang yang bertekanan normal maupun yang mengalami gloucoma. Efek dari ini pun dapat memperlambat perkembangan penyakit serta mencegah kebutaan. 

Ganja lebih baik dari rokok. 
Pada Januari 2012 Journal of American Medical Association telah melakukan sebuah studi yg baru di publikasikan, yaitu bahwa ganja tidak merusak paru paru. Penelitian lebih lanjut bahkan menemukan bahwa, Ganja dapat meningkatkan kapasitas paru paru menjadi lebih lapang, Para peneliti ini mencari faktor faktor resiko dari penyakit jantung, maka dari itu para peneliti melakukan uji fungsi paru paru pada 5115 orang dewasa muda selama 20 tahun. Para perokok tembakau kehilangan fungsi paru paru dari hari ke hari selama menghisap rokok akan tetapi hal ini sungguhlah kontra dengan para penghisap ganja yang hasilnya malah dapat memperbesar kapsitas dari paru paru orang tersebut. Diperkirakan hal ini dikarenakan karena para penghisap ganja menghirup secara dalam dari ganja tersebut yang membuat kapasitas orang tersebut menjadi semakin besar.

Tumbuhan ini dapat mengontrol serangan epilepsi.
Menurut Robert J. DeLorenzo dari Virginia Commonwealth University saat melakukan studi pada tahun 2003 menunjukan bahwa cannabinoids
Yg merupakan bahan aktif dalam ganja, tetrahydrocannabinol (biasa
dikenal sebagai THC), kontrol kejang dengan mengikat sel-sel dalam otak yang 
bertanggung jawab untuk mengontrol rangsangan serta mengatur relaksasi sehingga pengguna ganja dapat lebih relax. Penemuan ini pun telah di publikasikan dalam the Journal of Pharmacology and 
Experimental Therapeutics.

Bahan kimia yang terdapat dalam ganja ternyata dapat menghentikan penyebaran cancer. 
Penelitian di California Pacific Medical Center di San
Francisco dilaporkan pada tahun 2007 bahwa menemukan salah satu bahan kimia dalam ganja yaitu cannabidiol, inilah yang mematikan gen yang disebut Id-1, penelitian ini telah di publikasikan pada jurnal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Marry-jane ( Marijuana) dapan menurunkan tingkat kecemasan.
Memang betul bahwa ganja dapat menurutkan tingkat kecemasan, atau rasa mual, rasa nyeri atau sakit akibat dari kemoterapi. Namun harap di ingat bila penggunaannya secara berlebihan malah ini dapat meningkatkan kecemasan yang lebih tinggi dan paranoid. 

THC dapat memperlambat penyebaran atau perkembangan dari penyakit Alzheimer.
Dalam sebuah studi yang dipimpin oleh Kim Janda dari the Scripps Research Institute pada tahun 2006 yang diterbitkan pada the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics menunjukan bahwa THC, bahan kimia aktif dalam ganja dapat memperlambat pembentukan plak amiloid dengan menghalangi enzim dalam otak yang membuat mereka. Kemudian plak plak inilah yang menghancurkan sel sel otak dan alzhemier.

Meredakan rasa sakit Multiple Sclerosis.
Canadian Medical Association Jurnal menunjukan dalam sebuah studi yang telah di publikasikan bahwa marijuana dapat meringankan nyeri multiple sclerosis. THC dalam ganja mengikat reseptor dalam syaraf dan otot kita untuk meredakan nyeri dan rasa sakit. Dalam studi lain juga menemukan bahwa bahan kimia tersebut dapat membantu dalam mengontrol kejang otot. 

Mengurangi efek samping dari pengobatan hepatitis C
Dalam pengobatan hepatitis C dapat digolongkan keras - beberapa efek samping negatif antara lain; kelelahan, nyeri otot, mual, tidak ada rasa nafsu makan serta depresi yang dapat berlangsung bertahun tahun. Sebagai informasi, banyak dari mereka tidak dapat mampu melewati masa masa ini. Sehingga akhirnya datanglah inovasi dari ganja yang telah melalui beribu penelitian. Gastroenterology and Hepatology menemukan bahwa 86 persen penghisap ganja dapat menyelesaikan terapi hepatitis C mereka, sementara hanya 26 persen yang bukan perokok ganja menyelesaikan terapi mereka. 

Radang Usus
Para pasien yang mempunyai radang usus juga dapat menemukan manfaat dari Ganja. Peneliti dari University of Nottingham sekali lagi menemukan bahwa bahan kimia dari ganja antar lain THC dan cannabidiol dapat berinteraksi dengan sel sel dalam tubuh, sel sel inilah yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam fungsi usus dan respon imun tubuh. The study was published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental 
Therapeutics. Kandungan dalam ganja inilah yang mencegah permeabilitas ini dan membuat sel-sel usus bersatu ketat..

Radang Sendi
Jelas sekali disini bahwa tentu saja ganja dapat mengurangi rasa sakit pada sendi sendi anda karena beberapa kandungan kimia pada ganja yang seperti telah disebutkan tadi terutama pada para penderita rheumatoid arthritis.

Kanker Payudara.
Ternyata setelah beberapa penelitian oleh para dokter dan ilmuwan spesialis kanker payudara bahwa ganja medis dapat menghambat penyebaran kanker payudara dengan downregulating gen yang dinamakan ID 1. Hal ini pun adalah salah satu andil dari cannabidiol yang terdapat dalam ganja. 

pasien HIV / AIDS yang menghirup ganja empat kali sehari
peningkatan substansial berpengalaman dalam asupan makanan dengan sedikit bukti
ketidaknyamanan dan tidak ada penurunan kinerja kognitif. San Diego
School of Medicine menemukan bahwa ganja secara signifikan mengurangi nyeri neuropatik terkait HIV.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Signs of Heroin Addiction

According to the survey, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, there are approximately 560,000 people who are addicted to heroin indicated (data last year). Those who are addicted is all around you whether you realize it or not. You must be aware of these users and give support to them to seek help.

Actually a lot of the signs of these users. While the most prominent is the change in their lifestyle. And these are some of them:

Performance, be it at work or at school. Is that the negligent conduct in office like his job? whether the school is always getting into trouble or a bad? When someone who is usually good to do something and then suddenly become worse, maybe it's one of the side effects of heroin abuse. They like to come in late or not come at all.

Appearance, Someone who is caught up in the abuse of heroin is no longer noticed his appearance. They so rarely shower, even to change clothes, just everything related to the appearance had not they care anymore.

Recklessness, heroin users really have no common sense anymore about what the consequences of what they do or what they will do. Stealing seems to have become a habit that can not be avoided anymore, especially for the users of the lower classes.

Anti-social, this substantial heroin users have a tendency to withdraw from the environment or from their regular activities to do and enjoy.

There are additional signs of heroin substance abuse as well:
  • Runny nose or constant sniffing.
  • Needle marks on arms - and even on legs.
  • Speech is sometimes slurred.
  • Very little motivation, and no desire to form future plans.
  • Displays of hostility toward others.
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia.
It should be noted that heroin users is connected with depression, delinquency, or even normal behavior. If you see three or more of the above signs may be able to immediately ask the person. Ask a slow and gentle tone. Give a little explanation to them without seeming patronizing. Encourage them to seek help.

Signs of heroin overdose

Heroin overdose is a very serious because it can cause death. If you see people who overdose seek immediate medical attention. Remember, people who overdose can not be treated at home, they had to be rushed to the hospital and treated by a professional doctor. Do not induce vomiting in the heroin overdose victim.

Here are some of the signs of heroin overdose:
  • Breathing is slow and the person shows difficulty. Breathing may also be shallow.
  • Pupils may become very small. This is sometimes called "pinpoint pupils." It is a very serious sign of heroin overdose.
  • The tongue may be discolored.
  • Mouth is very dry.
  • Pulse weakens with heroin overdose, and the victim's blood pressure will drop.
  • Watch for the lips and fingernails to be tinged with blue.
  • Stomach spasms are a sign of heroin overdose, as is constipation.
  • Muscle spasms in various parts of the body.
  • Disorientation is a sign of heroin overdose. This disorientation may even heighten to delirium.
  • A victim of heroin overdose may even slip into a coma.
Now you can see that heroin addiction is a very serious situation. Once again, if you see symptoms of the one you love, seek help immediately.

Monday, March 25, 2013

HOW TO PLANT CANNABIS? (for medical purpose only)

How to grow marijuana seeds is very easy. If you want your precious seeds that can be grown, here's how to do it:

1. Make Shelves and provide standard fluorescent lamps. Build shelves is at a comfortable height for you to work. To accommodate the standard fluorescent lights make long-rack the size of a 4 foot distance between the racks should also be in the account, make at least 12 inches and 24 inches.

2.Provide light / lamp. Light is essential for plant growth. White lights are the most appropriate. Hang them with hooks and chains so that more can be adjusted later.

3. Take the container for watering. The recommended one is from vinyl. The goal aar drainage and circulation running smoothly.

4. Remember to keep water off the floor. Make the connection to the water flowing through a pipe or a bathtub fall.

5. Try to fill in containers or pots that are smaller to put on in the flat. Adjust the standard size flat.

6. Water content in the soil until the very wet to begin.

7.Germinate the seeds. Soak them in water overnight in a dark cabinet, not the fridge. Then place a paper towel in a shallow plate, place the seed upon the towel, then fold the towel over. Make sure, the plate is filled with water then drain off the excess, leaving the paper soaked and the seeds inside. Put in cabinet. Check at least every eight hours. Don't let the paper dry out ever. You will easily be able to visually see the seed when or if they germinate. The time can vary. My seed germinates in one day.

8 Having seen little growth on seeds, ground seeds in the soil, not too deep, shallow enough just make a hole with your finger and insert the seed.

9. For small seed or young carefully in a water problem. Not too many watered. Use the natural spring water that initially do not have terampur with fertilizers and the like.

10. If you later have germinated, not too much water to be moist. This is what is usually the fault of the beginner.

Source: youtube

Apparently Ecstasy could heal blood cancer!

Types of psychotropic this one most widely used by drug users, with prices varying from expensive to cheap, illegal drugs that enter the type of narcotics and drugs (Drugs) are, often used as doping to enhance the vitality of the body.
Ecstasy, a drug that is now being found in Indonesia because the country has been a manufacturer and no longer bring in from abroad, its existence makes the police and the public were furious, because, ecstasy can damage the nation's next generation of mental

Ecstasy has so far named as haram because it involves drugs that can make users "tripping" and "on". But apparently ecstasy could be the latest solution for blood cancers.

Scientists at the University of Birmingham in central England said modified forms of ecstasy increased ability to destroy cancer cells 100 times more powerful.

Six years ago, the researchers found that cancers affecting white blood cells appeared to respond to the drug "psychotropic" certain.

These include weight loss pills, Prozac-type antidepressants, and amphetamine derivatives such as MDMA - commonly known as ecstasy.

Birmingham scientists said their findings since it could lead to MDMA derivatives used in patient trials.

Derivatives can be effective in treating blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

"This is an exciting next step towards using a modified form of MDMA to help people suffering from blood cancer," said Professor John Gordon, from the university's School of Immunology and Infection.

"While we do not want to give people false hope, the results of this research hold the potential for improvement in treatments in years to come."

The team found that the dose of MDMA required to treat fatal tumor, so they began to isolate the properties of cancer-killing drugs.

They are now looking for ways to get MDMA molecules to penetrate cancer cell walls more easily.

Doctor David Grant, scientific director of the charity Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, which part-funded the study, said: "The prospect of being able to target blood cancer with a drug derived from ecstasy is a proposition which is really exciting."

Well, then they were like tripping on ecstasy disco free of blood cancer huh?

 The effects:
- Being excited
- Agitated and restless
- Can not sleep
- Not able to eat
- Long term: impaired brain function and could end up with the madness.
- Paranoid
- Lever disturbed

Symptoms of drug addicts who drop out:
- Fast furious
- Uneasy
- Fast tired
- Do not get excited / want to sleep on


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Xanax equals Clonazepam?

klonopin is actually stronger than xanax. 

Benzodiazepine Equivalence Charts

----------------------Benzodiazepine Dose----------Comparative Time to peak plasma level------------------------Half Life
Alprazolam----------------.5------------------------------------------------1 - 2-----------------------------------------------9 - 20
Clonazepam--------------.25-----------------------------------------------1 - 4----------------------------------------------19 - 60

This chart (from the above link) looks for the equivalent dose of a given benzo to equal 5 mg of diazepam (valium).

So, you need .5mg of alprazolam (xanax) to equal 5 mg of valium, but you only need .25 mg of clonazepam (klonopin) to equal 5 mg of valium.

The klonopin is, as you said, slower in action. it takes up to 4 hours to reach full effect where the xanax will be in full effect by 2 hours at the latest. 

However, klonopin has a much longer half life than xanax, so it will stay in your system longer. The long half life of klonopin is why doctors like it. You are less likely to become addicted to it as you do not need to continually take more klonopin throughout the day to keep anxiety at bay, so you don't get into the habit of "popping pills" and you don't experience break-through anxiety. 

As for getting the same feel from klonopin as you get from xanax... there is another reason doctors prefer klonopin and that is that xanax has a mild euphoric effect that klonopin and other benzos do not have. That mild euphoria increases the chance that patients will become habituated to and possibly misuse their medication. So, basically, klonopin is actually stronger than xanax in terms of efficacy, but if what you are looking for is that mild euphoria, (which isn't what benzos are for) you can't replicate that.