Depression? How did it happen?
It is essentially the cause of the Depression or Clinical Depression is not certain. Researchers and clinicians professor of psychological and mental has conducted research focused on a certain balance in the human brain and nervous system called neurotransmitters, in dedicated, again at the dopamine, and nerepinefrin serotonin. As a reminder, that that control mood and emotion is that there is no serotonin in the brain such as the limbic system and upper brain stem. According to the data, clinical depression occurs in approximately 15 million people each year in America.
From these studies it was found that, or neroprinefrin serotonin imbalance or deficiency in the brain of patients Clinical Depression. Thus was created, which we now know, with Anti depressant drugs that are designed to balance the neurotransmitters.
Have you seen the power lines in your house? Very messy after connecting power from one to the other? Similarly, the nervous system in our heads. But unlike the electrical circuits in your home, our neural circuits do not touch each other, but with each other to come in synaptic. These nerve cells are separated by a synaptic cleft name. Presynaptic cell is, the sending neuron nerve, while the postsynaptic cell is, who accepted. They were what are called neurotransmitters that transmit chemical messages across synapses in the brain of the cell sender to recipient cells.
Thus the clinical explanation of how the occurrence or cause of depression in brief. Because I had know if I explain further of course you are reading it will be even less understood.(LoL......)
If you think you depress you may check here - Click Here
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Ini pada dasarnya adalah penyebab Depresi Depresi klinis atau tidak pasti. Peneliti dan dokter profesor psikologi dan mental telah melakukan penelitian difokuskan pada keseimbangan tertentu di otak manusia dan sistem syaraf yang disebut neurotransmitter, di khususkan, lagi di dopamin, dan serotonin nerepinefrin. Sebagai pengingat, bahwa kontrol suasana hati dan emosi adalah bahwa tidak ada serotonin di otak seperti sistem limbik dan batang otak bagian atas. Menurut data, depresi klinis terjadi pada sekitar 15 juta orang setiap tahun di Amerika.
It is essentially the cause of the Depression or Clinical Depression is not certain. Researchers and clinicians professor of psychological and mental has conducted research focused on a certain balance in the human brain and nervous system called neurotransmitters, in dedicated, again at the dopamine, and nerepinefrin serotonin. As a reminder, that that control mood and emotion is that there is no serotonin in the brain such as the limbic system and upper brain stem. According to the data, clinical depression occurs in approximately 15 million people each year in America.
From these studies it was found that, or neroprinefrin serotonin imbalance or deficiency in the brain of patients Clinical Depression. Thus was created, which we now know, with Anti depressant drugs that are designed to balance the neurotransmitters.
Have you seen the power lines in your house? Very messy after connecting power from one to the other? Similarly, the nervous system in our heads. But unlike the electrical circuits in your home, our neural circuits do not touch each other, but with each other to come in synaptic. These nerve cells are separated by a synaptic cleft name. Presynaptic cell is, the sending neuron nerve, while the postsynaptic cell is, who accepted. They were what are called neurotransmitters that transmit chemical messages across synapses in the brain of the cell sender to recipient cells.
Thus the clinical explanation of how the occurrence or cause of depression in brief. Because I had know if I explain further of course you are reading it will be even less understood.(LoL......)
If you think you depress you may check here - Click Here
in Bahasa
Ini pada dasarnya adalah penyebab Depresi Depresi klinis atau tidak pasti. Peneliti dan dokter profesor psikologi dan mental telah melakukan penelitian difokuskan pada keseimbangan tertentu di otak manusia dan sistem syaraf yang disebut neurotransmitter, di khususkan, lagi di dopamin, dan serotonin nerepinefrin. Sebagai pengingat, bahwa kontrol suasana hati dan emosi adalah bahwa tidak ada serotonin di otak seperti sistem limbik dan batang otak bagian atas. Menurut data, depresi klinis terjadi pada sekitar 15 juta orang setiap tahun di Amerika.
Dari penelitian tersebut ditemukan bahwa, atau neroprinefrin serotonin ketidakseimbangan atau kekurangan dalam otak pasien depresi klinis. Dengan demikian diciptakan, yang sekarang kita tahu, dengan obat depresan Anti yang dirancang untuk menyeimbangkan neurotransmitter.
Pernahkah Anda melihat kabel listrik di rumah Anda? Sangat berantakan setelah menghubungkan daya dari satu ke yang lain? Demikian pula, sistem saraf di kepala kita. Tapi tidak seperti sirkuit listrik di rumah Anda, sirkuit saraf kita tidak saling bersentuhan, tetapi dengan satu sama lain untuk datang sinaptik. Sel-sel saraf dipisahkan oleh nama sumbing sinaptik. Sel presynaptic adalah, pengirim saraf neuron, sedangkan sel postsynaptic adalah, yang diterima. Mereka adalah apa yang disebut neurotransmitter yang mengirimkan pesan-pesan kimiawi di sinapsis di otak pengirim sel ke sel-sel penerima.
Demikian penjelasan klinis bagaimana terjadinya atau penyebab depresi secara singkat. Karena sudah tahu jika saya menjelaskan lebih jauh tentu saja Anda membaca akan lebih kurang dipahami. (Lol. .....)
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